Life can be a bit tough sometimes.
It can be easy to forget the things that you are grateful for and focus too much on what’s going bad in life. If we stop and take into account, there are so many things that we take for granted every day, from the big life changes to the small moments that make us smile.
Take a moment to appreciate the big things (like electricity) and the small things (having a bathroom) will help us remember how fortunate we really are… and how much harder life would be without them!
Keeping a gratitude list is a great way to start the day on a positive note and shift your focus to the good things in life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of life’s demands, but when you take the time to remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for, it can help put things into perspective and make life seem less daunting.
This article will cover 260+ reasons why we should never lose sight of all the joy and beauty that our lives contain.
What is a Gratitude List?
A gratitude list is a written record of things that make you feel thankful or appreciative. It can include anything from the beautiful weather outside to the people in your life.
Writing a gratitude list is a great way to boost your mood and focus on the positive aspects of life, even in difficult times. A gratitude list is also a great way to practice mindfulness and increase your overall happiness and contentment.
To help keep your spirits high, why not come up with a gratitude list to cheer you up.
5 Examples of Gratitude (That Might Make You Laugh)
Focusing on the funny side of things can help lift your spirits during difficult times and remind you that laughter is one of life’s greatest gifts! So go ahead and add some humorous items to your gratitude list; I guarantee it’ll put a smile on your face!
1. A Good Sense of Humour
When all else fails, humor is often the best medicine. Being able to laugh at yourself and other people’s jokes is something that’s invaluable in life, so it’s worth being grateful for your sense of humor.
2. Late Night Snacks
Let’s face it, if it weren’t for late night snacks we would never make it through an all-nighter or be able to satisfy those midnight cravings! So take a moment and appreciate the fact that there are always snacks around when you need them most.
3. Messy Hair Days
We all have those days when our hair just doesn’t want to cooperate, but don’t let it get you down! Instead, embrace the messy hair look and be thankful that you don’t have to worry about styling your hair every single day!
4. Technology Glitches
Okay, so admittedly these aren’t always fun…but they can also provide plenty of laughs when your computer decides to do something completely unexpected or your phone starts doing its own thing! At least you won’t get bored right? So give thanks for technology glitches–even if they’re annoying in the moment!
5. Crazy Dreams
Weird dreams are often hilarious (in hindsight!) Why not take a moment and appreciate just how strange our brains can be? I guarantee these will bring a smile to your face no matter what kind of day you’re having!

What Should Be On A Gratitude List
Having a gratitude list can be a great way to stay focused on the positive things in life. While it may seem like a simple task, creating a gratitude list can help you appreciate the smaller moments in life, and remember to be thankful for them. Here’s what should be on your gratitude list:
1. Family and Friends
Take some time to appreciate the people you love in your life. From your parents and siblings, to your closest friends, think about the people that have been there for you unconditionally and write them down on your gratitude list.
2. Memories
Whether it’s a childhood memory or a recent trip, it’s important to remember all the good times you’ve had, and to be grateful for them. Think back to these moments and write them down on your gratitude list.
3. Accomplishments
Reflect on all your accomplishments, no matter how small or big they may be. It could be something like learning a new skill, or even finally getting that promotion at work. It’s important to remember all the hard work you’ve put in and to be grateful for it.
4. Nature
Be thankful for the beauty of nature around you. Whether it’s a gorgeous beach, a beautiful garden, or a peaceful mountain, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature and write it down on your gratitude list.
5. Health
Your health is one of the most valuable things you have, so it’s important to be thankful for it. Whether it’s something physical or mental, take a moment to appreciate all the good health you have and write it down on your gratitude list.
These are just a few of the things that should be included in your gratitude list. Taking some time to write down the things you’re thankful for can help you stay positive and appreciate the moments in life. So take a few moments to create your gratitude list and be thankful for all the blessings in life.

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Benefits Of A Gratitude list
Here are five reasons why you should consider starting a gratitude list
1. Reduce Stress
Studies show that people who practice gratitude experience fewer physical symptoms of stress and feel more relaxed overall. Writing down things to be grateful for can also be a great tool for managing anxiety; it allows you to refocus your thoughts on something positive instead of ruminating on negative ones.
2. Improve Your Mood
Research shows that those who express gratitude regularly generally report feeling happier than those who don’t. A gratitude list is an easy way to take stock of all the wonderful things in your life, even if they seem small or insignificant, count your blessings each day.
Try the 30 day Challenge for mental health and happiness here.
3. Increased Self-Esteem
Gratitude can help foster self-esteem by reminding us that we have something valuable to offer the world, whether it be our skills, our talents or simply our friendship. Focusing on the positive aspects of ourselves helps us appreciate our own abilities and strengths rather than fixating on our weaknesses or failures.
4. Better Sleep Quality
Writing down three things you’re grateful for before bed has been shown to improve sleep quality significantly; not only do people fall asleep faster, but they also stay asleep longer! This is because being mindful about what we appreciate in life helps reduce stress levels before bedtime, allowing us to relax more easily and drift off into dreamland more quickly.
5. Improved Relationships
Showing appreciation for other people helps build strong relationships over time; expressing gratitude towards friends and family not only makes them feel valued but also encourages us to show up more for them in return! Taking the time out of your busy schedule to thank someone for their help or support can go a long way towards strengthening your bond with them.

Things To Be Grateful For
- A warm hug from a loved one.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- A good night’s sleep with no interruptions or nightmares.
- The feeling you get when you’re able to help someone else out without expecting anything in return.
- Taking a walk in nature and appreciating all its beauty and wonders around you
- That moment when you finally finish an assignment or project after days of hard work
- The sound of laughter filling the air, whether it’s your own or someone else’s
- Going out for ice cream with friends on a hot summer day
- Seeing a rainbow after a storm has passed
- The smell of freshly baked cookies straight out of the oven
- Achieving something you have been working towards for months
- Finishing a book and feeling satisfied with how it ended
- Getting lost in your favorite hobby, whether it’s playing an instrument, painting, crafting, etc
- Lying outside on a blanket and watching the stars at night
- Cuddling up with your pet while watching Netflix
- Accomplishing something you thought was impossible
- Making someone laugh until they cry
- Taking time off to relax and do nothing but enjoy yourself
- Watching children play happily together
- Receiving support from family or friends during difficult times
- Taking time for self-care by doing something that makes you feel good
- Having meaningful conversations with people who truly understand where you are coming from
- Getting lost in daydreaming about what could be
- Being able to give back to those who are less fortunate than yourself
- Finding joy in simple pleasures like going for walks or eating delicious food
- Listening to inspiring stories from people who have overcome great odds
- Feeling proud of your accomplishments no matter how small they may seem
- Witnessing acts of kindness being done around you
- Experiencing peace and serenity through mediation or yoga
- Spending quality time with those who mean most to you
- Accidentally meeting up with an old friend unexpectedly
- Feeling energized after taking part in physical activities such as running or biking
- Waking up early enough so that you can watch the sunrise
- Laughing until your stomach aches
- Celebrating successes both big and small
- Eating foods that bring back fond memories
- Giving yourself permission to take breaks whenever needed
- Driving down an open road with music blasting
- Doing an act of kindness just because
- Going outside without worrying about what others think
- Letting go of grudges
- Remembering past successes
- Compliments given by others
- Saying “yes” instead of “no” and taking the risk
- Knowing that everything will eventually turn out alright
- Having faith even when things seem hopeless
- Getting an unexpected text from someone message out of nowhere just to say hello or check in on you
- Standing up for what is right
- Enjoying silence rather than noise
- The fact that humans have invented ice cream flavours like cookie dough, strawberry cheesecake, and snickerdoodle cookie dough from a beavers butt
- Getting surprised by people who care about you
- Creating art that allows us to express ourselves freely without any judgement
- Appreciating those who have helped shape who you are today
- Smiling each day
- Visiting public libraries and getting free books
- The sound of rain hitting the window on a lazy Sunday morning.
- The coziness of a warm blanket on a cold winter night.
- A cup of hot coffee on a chilly morning.
- The feeling of accomplishment after running a mile without stopping to walk or rest in between.
- The smell of freshly cut grass in the summertime.
- Getting lost in a book so much that time seems to fly by while you’re reading it.
- Making time for yourself
- Realizing how far you have come
- Learning new skills
- Daring to dream again
- Taking the perfect picture after trying out different angles and poses until it looks just right!
- Watching wild animals in their natural habitat (from afar).
- Cuddling with someone special after telling them about your day and hearing about theirs too!
- Having good friends who know exactly what to say when you need cheering up or advice on how to handle certain situations better
- Waking up feeling rested and refreshed after getting enough sleep the night before
- DIY projects that show how resourceful you are
- Having hope
- Discovering new passions
- Making mistakes
- Understanding that failure is part of life
- Being able to forgive
- Living mindfully
- Celebrating diversity
- Recognising opportunities that are available to you
- Listening to birds sing when you wake up in the morning
- Looking forward to your future
- Staring up at stars on clear nights has got to be one of the most peaceful activities
- Going for a walk on a sunny day and feeling the warmth coming from the sun rays as they hit your skin
- Coming home from work/school/errands, changing into comfortable clothes, and finally being able to relax for the rest of the day
- Finishing all of your tasks for the day ahead of schedule
- Watching clouds in the sky as they constantly change forms
- Seeing all-new places during vacation trips
- Learning something new every single day
- Making someone else smile
- Knowing that there will always be people around who care about you
- Spreading positivity
- The meal you had today
- Investing in relationships
- Eating delicious food
- Feeling happy even when everything else seems wrong
- Having deep conversations over small talk
- Listening to your favorite music
- Finding five dollars or coins lying around
- Laughing out loud until tears are streaming down your cheeks
- The fact that you have a home, with a kitchen, a bathroom and somewhere to sleep
- Helping others whenever possible
- Money in your bank account
- Writing down thoughts and feelings in order to get them off one’s chest
- Participating in activities that make one feel alive such as swimming, hiking, dancing etc…
- Giving compliments sincerely and honestly
- Accomplishing goals no matter how big or small they may be
- Making plans for future adventures one wishes to take part in
- Appreciating nature’s wonders such as flowers blooming during springtime, snow covering trees during winter etc…
- Visiting an animal shelter and spending quality time with furry friends who need love and affection just like us humans do sometimes
- Singing along loudly with friends while listening to music together
- Experiencing true love
- Discovering hidden talents within oneself such as singing, painting etc…
- Being content with oneself even if other people don’t approve or accept it at times
- Eating breakfast foods like pancakes/waffles while drinking hot chocolate late at night
- Feeling proud after accomplishing something difficult
- Enjoying time alone without feeling lonely
- Appreciating artwork regardless if it was made by someone famous or not
- Having hobbies which help one stay entertained during spare time periods such as playing video games, watching movies etc…
- Spending quality time with family members nearby & distant ones alike
- Living life according to one’s own terms instead letting others dictate what should be done next
- Setting realistic goals & then working hard towards achieving them despite any obstacles which may come up along the way
- Crying when necessary & then wiping away those tears afterwards because there are still plenty more moments worth living through & enjoying!
- Sharing knowledge with others
- Embracing change
- Opening yourself up again
- Building bridges and making new connections
- Spending money without thinking about it
- The ability to travel where you want to go
- Being honest with yourself
- Focusing on progress
- There is nothing better than sleeping in on a Saturday morning!
- Enjoying a hot shower after a long day is one of life’s greatest pleasures
- Singing in the shower to your favorite songs is the perfect way to relax after a long day
- Board games that bring the family together
- Accepting challenges that are uncomfortable
- Finding balance in your life
- Appreciating life’s little moments
- A good cup of coffee to start off the day with
- Disconnecting from your phones and screens and staying present
- Staying curious about life’s mysteries
- Believing in yourself
- Recognizing strengths in yourself and others
- Pushing boundaries of what you think you are capable of
- Going out for dinner with your friends can make for some great conversations and lots of fun
- Going on a road trip to exploring new places and seeing new sights
- Getting a new mani always that adds a bit of glam to your outfit
- There is something special about finding that perfect item that makes you feel amazing every time you wear it!
- Trying something new that you’ve been wanting to try
- Doing what matters most to you
- Nothing beats sitting down with pen and paper writing letters by hand
- Seeing somebody’s face light up when they realize how much they mean to us is priceless
- The feeling we get when we accomplish something we’ve been working hard towards is indescribable
- Watching movies under the stars
- Redefining what success means to you
- Developing empathy
- Savouring every moment
- Letting go of the past
- Becoming comfortable being uncomfortable
- Yoga in the park
- Playing dress up with friends or kids
- Releasing expectations from others
- Colouring books for adults that make you feel like a kid again
- Spontaneous trips that add excitement into otherwise mundane days
- The feeling of letting your body move to the beat of good music
- Late night snack runs create unforgettable memories
- Imagine a world without electricity. From powering our homes and charging phones to turning on lights and cooking food, electricity has truly revolutionized our lives.
- Building snowmen or sandcastles
- Collecting shells on the beach
- Your new hairstyle that looks great on you
- Writing poetry or stories from your imagination
- Date night with your partner or best Friend
- Solo date nights and trips
- Challenging old beliefs and mindset
- A text from someone you care about
- Eating pizza
- Listening to live music
- Sitting by a campfire
- Seeing snow falling
- Getting an unexpected good news
- Staying up late with friends can make for some exciting night
- Water – Around 1 in 10 people across the world don’t have access to clean drinking water
- The Internet – Just 20 years ago, there was no such thing as Netflix or streaming services, online shopping or social media platforms
- A refrigerator to keep your food from going bad
- Staying warm in the winter
- Public transport that gets you to your destination, have you ever walked long distances?
- Learning something new
- Making new memories with friends and family
- Finishing the last rep of your workout after pushing yourself to the limit
- Reading your favorite book again– old favorites never get old do they?
- Going camping– roast some marshmallows over an open fire and enjoy sleeping under the stars
- Celebrating new milestones
- Winning a game
- The new outfit you got
- Remembering good old memories
- Trying something new
- Seeing your favorite band perform
- Making peace with yourself
- Ticking something off your bucket list
- Receiving gifts from your loved ones
- Going on an adventure
- Dancing like nobody is watching
- Overcoming a difficult challenge
- Watching funny videos
- Experiencing new cultures
- Finding harmony in the midst of chaos
- Being surrounded by positive people
- Completing puzzles
- Air conditioning that keeps you cool on a hot summers day
- Self care, skin care and hygiene products – Seriously what would we be without them?!
- Erm.. clear skin!
- Doing laundry by hand isn’t just time consuming; it can be tough on your hands too! Thanks to machines like washing machines and dryers
- Capturing beautiful memories that last forever
- Receiving mail/parcels – imagine how inconvenient life would be if you had to pick up mail from post offices every single day?
- Cooking delicious meals
- Loving deeply and wholeheartedly
- Exploring unknown places
- Catching fireflies
- Listening to podcasts while doing chores
- Watching sunsets with your partner
- Facing your fears
- Keeping a journal over the years to see how much you’ve grown
- Remember life before mobile phones? Payphones were everywhere – but running out of coins meant no calls until you could find more change! Mobile phones changed everything; now we can call anyone any time from anywhere
- Building something from scratch
- Finishing a task
- Buying yourself flowers for no reason other than reminding yourself how beautiful life is every so often
- Screaming as loud as you want while riding those roller coasters
- Shopping for groceries – sounds mundane but can actually be quite fun depending on where you go
- Listening to tunes from decades ago
- Growing stronger from your workouts
- Focusing on solutions instead of problems
- Being able to see beauty with your eyes
- Meeting new people
- Living a life that is authentic to you
- Being alive and still breathing
- Planting flowers in pots or gardens – watch them bloom over time
- Having great health
- The sound of rain
- Fresh sheets
- Listening to a song that travels you back in time
- Getting a good grade
- Sleepover with friends
- The first beach trip of the season
- The nap after a day at the beach
- Dogs
- Moving your feet to a cool spot on the bed
- Going out for breakfast
- Someone doing your hair
- Sleeping in after a long week
- Bike rides
- The sun on a cold day
- Driving around with the windows down screaming to music
- Waking up and realising that you still got time left to sleep
- The fact that you think different to others
- When your job is made easier with technology
- Having community you share ideas and stories with
- Learning lessons in your life
- Making progress compared to where you were last week
- Choosing happiness, love and kindness over fear shame and guilt
- Practising patience with yourself
- Developing resilience makes you a tough cookie
- Rediscovering your self and your life’s path
- When you have the means to reinvest back into yourself
- Being able to hear your inner voice/intuition
- Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility for your life
Conclusion: No matter how tough things get, there is always something worth celebrating! Life is full of joy if we just take some time out of our day-to-day routines and appreciate all the little things we often overlook – this list should hopefully help remind us all why life is so precious and there are in fact things to be grateful for! So remember – don’t forget to take some time every now and then just enjoy being alive! Take care, stay safe, and be happy! 🙂
Love this! So many things to be grateful for 🙂
Yes gratitude always puts things into perspective!