Every woman deserves the princess treatment when she is in a relationship. Unfortunately, not every woman gets it.
If you are in the category of women getting spoilt effortlessly by their men, well done.
If you aren’t, it means you are not doing something right. But there is nothing to worry about. I was once in your shoes.
However, I have been able to turn the tide around, so you can too.
All you need is the right information and how to apply it to get the princess treatment only.
Once you have that, you will be on your way to having the relationship of your dreams, one in which you do not settle for the bare minimum.
If you are ready, follow along as I show you how to receive that princess treatment that is your right as a lady.
What Does Princess Treatment Mean?
It’s meaning is quite explicit – to be treated like a princess and pampered effortlessly by your man.
However, since I have also seen so many meanings on social media that don’t do justice to it, let’s start with what princess treatment is not:
- It is not being entitled to all a man has.
- It is not receiving and giving nothing in return.
- It is not acting out and expecting a man to take it.
- It is not settling for the bare minimum.
- It is not demanding things from a man or a change for a man.
Now that we know what it is not, this is what it means: it is channeling your inner femininity and positioning yourself to experience the kind of love and treatment women should receive.
It is requiring your man to treat you with tenderness, care, attention and affection without demanding or being entitled to it.
How to Receive Princess Treatment
Having learned the right definition, let’s go on to the business of the day – the best ways to be treated like a queen in a relationship.

1. Be with a Prince
You must have heard it said that you cannot make a prince out of a frog. That’s very true.
No matter what you do, if you are doing it with the wrong man, you won’t get the right results.
So before I tell you how to position yourself for that special care, I need to let you know that achieving it requires being with the kind of man who can give it.
After all, you cannot give what you do not have.
The only man who can treat you like a queen is a king or a prince, in the context of being treated like a princess.
I say that to say, you need to first deal with your choice of men if you tend to date frogs.
You need to watch out for red flags in men and don’t try to romanticize it.
I understand that sometimes we view people we like with rose-colored glasses; I get that because I’ve been there, but you cannot afford to do that anymore if you want a charming love story.
In the words of the great Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.
Stop trying to pretend a man is not who he is.
If he has shown you he is not a prince, move on. That way, you can have room to one day meet your prince charming.
In essence, I am saying be with a good man.
2. Date a Man Who Likes You
It is possible to meet a man who, although has the potential to treat women right, can’t treat you like a princess because he doesn’t see you as one.
I know it’s sad, and ideally, when a man is a good man, he will go all out for every woman.
But we don’t live in a utopia. In the real world, people don’t go out of their way to treat a woman they don’t like specially.
That is why you need to be with a man who likes you.
This is honestly the easiest thing to do as long as you are not desperate for a relationship and know your worth.
I say this because men are simple; when they like you, you will know. You may not want to believe it when they don’t, but you will know.
If you are ever in doubt whether a guy likes you, chances are he doesn’t.

3. Establish Your Standards Early
Many women make this mistake when they first get into a relationship or are talking to a guy; they try to impress him with standards they can’t keep up with.
That, or they take things that won’t serve them so as not to chase the man away.
The foundation of a relationship determines how it pans out over time.
When you allow some things at the start of your relationship, you are likely going to have to deal with them throughout the relationship.
So, you need to establish your boundaries and standards early, so an unworthy man can leave because he can’t meet up.
You need to let men know from the onset that you are a princess and won’t accept the bare minimum.
Now, I am not asking you to violently ask for it; I am saying don’t be afraid to let him know early when he wants to overstep or misbehave.
Let him know politely that you won’t condone it.
4. Always Be Willing To Walk Away
If he doesn’t meet your standard, I don’t care how fine, wealthy, popular that man is or how much you like that man, how invested you are in the relationship, or how much your friends like him, you always have to be prepared to call it quits.
If he’s not doing it, no need to cajole him, force him, hold his hand, heal or fix him, it just means that he’s not the one.
A man that really wants you will make sacrifices for you.
My aunt always told me this “Men are like buses, there’s always another one coming!”.
So ladies, there’s no short supply of men stop letting your limiting beliefs tell you otherwise.
5. Never Chase Men
If you come into the dating marketplace desperate for a relationship, men and predatory men alike will be able to smell that from a mile away!
You may start off experiencing princess treatment with a guy in the beginning stages of a relationship, but what happens when he begins to get comfortable and the effort he used in pursuing you has stopped because well, now he has you?
Or he begins to play push and pull tactics with you by pulling back?
You fall back ladies, it’s just that simple.

6. Appreciate Him
Generally, people are encouraged to do more when they are appreciated for what they are doing.
Don’t be a woman who feels entitled to a man’s favor or make him feel like you are doing him a favor.
When he does something for you, appreciate him. Big him up.
Apart from the fact that we all love it, it gives men an ego boost.
It really doesn’t matter how little what he did for you is, make sure to appreciate him.
7. Let Him Lead
Some women find it easy to step into their feminine energy while some don’t.
If you are the latter, you need to learn to channel your black cat energy.
Men are natural problem solvers. It is a big boost for them to be your hero.
So, when you act like you need them, they gladly step into that role.
Now, I’m not saying be helpless, needy and clingy – that might also turn him off.
What I’m saying is that you should be willing to ask for help and also step back when you see he wants to do it.
Sometimes, in a bid to not be seen as demanding, women feel the need to show independence even when it is unnecessary.
But staying in your feminine energy does not stop you from being strong and powerful.
You just need to do that at work and outside.
At home – by that, I mean with him – allow yourself to be pampered without struggling to take the reins from him.
It encourages the provider mindset from your man.
8. Ask for Things According To His Wallet
I know I just said you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help from your man and let him spoil you.
However, you also need to be reasonable. Don’t go asking for what your man cannot provide.
For instance, if he cannot afford to fly you out for your birthday, don’t request that.
Of course, you can still voice out your desires and aspirations that you’d love to experience one day, but you shouldn’t require that of him – not if you are still interested in the relationship.
Who knows? One day when he is capable, he may fulfil your dream.
9. Put Yourself On A Pedestal
I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “You cannot expect to be loved if you don’t love yourself”.
So also, you cannot expect to be treated like a princess when you don’t treat yourself like one.
We often attract the energy we give out. So if you don’t put yourself on a pedestal, you won’t attract the princess treatment.
For instance, if you like flowers, buy yourself some. Go on solo dates and treat yourself.
You also need to pay attention to your looks and self-care.
That way, when a man comes into your life, he knows you already treat yourself well, so he can’t do less.
Read more: 30 Amazon Self Care Essentials Every Girl Needs In Her Routine
10. Believe That You Deserve Princess Treatment
In the same vein, if you want the princess treatment only, you need to believe you deserve it.
You can’t convince others to do what you don’t believe.
And you will likely settle for less than that if you don’t think you deserve to be spoiled and pampered.
You are beautiful, gorgeous and great, and you deserve a cute love story. Believe it.
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