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Looking for best self help books to change your life? Then look no further!

Let’s face it, if you are not a big reader you may find reading to be boring and maybe even uneventful. If you are trying to build a reading habit, audiobooks would be the best place to start because it is easily assessable – going to work, on a bus, on your walk to the gym in the morning.

These are the 21 best self help books on audible that I consider life-changing, they all have changed my life. I have broken it down into 6 categories depending on what you are into.

Do Self Help Books Really Work?

According to Psychology Today, being read to can calm our anxieties and comfort us. Reading self help books in particular allows escapism from our own negative moods. It also teleports us to a time where perhaps you gathered around a fire and was read to by someone dear, gleeing with anticipation on the words “Once Upon A Time”.

Listening to Audible is a habit that I incorporate daily for my mental health. You can check out more of these daily habits here.

21 Best Self Help Books On Audible

audible self help books

Which Self-Help Book To Start With?

1. You are a badass – Jen Sincero

You will like this if

You don’t know where to start on your self love journey, and have no clue on what loving yourself actually means. If you enjoy a good laugh and don’t want to read a boring book, then this is for you.

How it changed my life

This was actually the book that made me want to dive deeper into the world of self improvement. I learnt about how the subconscious and conscious mind works and since then I have been on a journey to conquering my subconscious mind while also creating the life of my dreams.

2. Good Vibes, Good Life

You will like this if

You want to feel good about yourself and would like to attract more positivity into your life. It’s definitely is a feel-good book and the writing is so clear, light and relatable.

How it changed my life

Well, I became vegan after reading this book (and several research and documentaries later) so yeah. Haha, so don’t say I didn’t warn you! This book overall made me more conscious, not just about what I was consuming into my body but what I was also feeding my mind, as well as the actions that I take on a consistent basis.

self help books

3. What a Time to Be Alone

You will like this if

You have just got out of a relationship or you left your friendship group because of choices made in your best interest. Whether you chose to be alone or you find yourself alone, this book helps you feel less alone.

How it changed my life

Choosing to love myself was the best decision I ever made, though the hard truth is it’s not always the easiest thing to do. I had to make some tough decisions for my self and this book validated me so much and taught me that certain people never deserved to have access to me in the first place.

self help books
best self help books on audible

Self Help Books For Relationships

4. Codependent No more

You will like this if

You have suspicions that you may be co-dependent. Are you guilty of having relationships in the past that seem impossible to let go of? Even though they could be detrimental to your wellbeing and theirs. Is your sense of self and esteem derived from the moods/behaviours of others?

How it changed my life

This book brought me awareness into some of my toxic patterns. I will have to admit I was initially resistant to it but when I picked it up again, I was stunned because this was the book that read me cover to cover. I was able to identify my controlling codependency issues and that was the beginning of the end of being an enabling people pleaser.

self help books

5. You can heal your life

You will like this if

You are looking for an introductory book to kickstart your healing journey.

How it changed my life

This book opened my mind to the power of the subconscious and it’s ability to manifest anything including illnesses and how you can harness the power of your thoughts to improve the quality of your life.

self help books

6. Set Boundaries, Find Peace

You will like this if

You are a chronic people pleaser and need help being assertive.

How it changed my life

Funny story, I listened to this when I was having issues asserting myself with a former difficult co-worker… Let’s just say she never bothered me again once I took my power back. I learnt to assert myself in a calm way, I also reaffirmed my boundaries and became more self assured in who I am and what I wasn’t going to put up with.

psychology self help books

7. In The Meantime

You will like this if

You have just got out of a breakup and you are ready to do the work on healing

How it changed my life

In the book, Iyanla talks about the proverbial floors of healing where she references the baggage we have to clean up otherwise it will become difficult to hide. That part of the book was profound to me and I became more determined to clean up my baggage before going into any new relationship, because you can hide the baggage but it will surely soon start to stink!

self help books for relationships

8. The Covert Passive – Aggressive Narcissist

You will like this if

You are always second-guessing yourself in your relationships. Or you feel your relationships are one-sided. Maybe you have been called crazy, always the one taking the blame or even apologising. If this is you, please read this book! It’s a lifesaver. You can apply it to any relationships too.

How it changed my life

I am able to recognise the traits of a covert narc from a mile away and have become resistant to manipulation. Now I am able to stand in my truth and can maintain my sense of self, which survivors of traumatic relationships tend to lose in a relationship with a narcissistic person.

self help books for relationships

9. Whole Again

You will like this if

You need a great book to dig deeper in your healing journey. This is for people looking to form a more secure attachment. It applies to people who have childhood wounds, a traumatic past or have just got out of a relationship

How it changed my life

This book brought some awareness on some of the ways that I have been ‘protecting’ my self due to past trauma. That level of awareness has made me open back up more to new opportunities that are completely out of my comfort zone.

self help books for relationships

10. Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents

You will like this if

You have some childhood trauma you want to deal with and you want to understand your childhood a lot more. This book is one of those books that reads you and tells your life story particularly if you suffered from emotionally unavailable parents.

How it changed my life

I had a false self identity based on what was preconceived from my childhood. My favourite exercise in the book was cancelling out the false narratives given to me and realising my truth.

psychology self help books

11. The Empowered Empath

You will like this if

You want to navigate the motions of being an empath to harness your gift, instead of being drained by it.

How it changed my life

As a highly sensitive person, I learnt to stop absorbing other people’s emotions, maintain a healthy sense of self and set boundaries with others.

spirituality self help books

12. The Empath’s Survival Guide

You will like this if

You suspect that might be an empath and you want an introductory book on what it means for you to be an empath.

How it changed my life

Since reading this book, I am more aware of my tendencies as an empath. I am able to manage my empathy to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life. I now see having high levels of empathy as a gift and not as a curse.

psychology self help books

Best Self Help Books For Women

13. Women Don’t Owe You Pretty

You will like this if

You are looking for an audible self help book tailored towards feminism, LGBTQ community and confronting patriarchal norms.

How it changed my life

Now while I wouldn’t consider myself a feminist (although I do support the cause), I had to confront some internalised misogynistic beliefs that I had been perpetuating, unbeknownst to me. This book definitely helped me address my pick-me ways and the subconscious programming to be in constant competition with other women. Such an interesting read! I highly recommend!

self help books for teens

Best Self Help Books For Finance/Business

14. Rich Dad Poor Dad

You will like this if

You want an introductory book on getting rich. this book will help you understand how A rich person mentality vs a poor person mentality.

How it changed my life

This was the first book I read about money. I learnt the fundamentals of how making money works As well as understanding fundamental money concepts such liabilities and assets.

top 5 influential self help books

15. You are a badass at making money

You will like this if

You want to start rolling in the cheddar but you are not quite there yet. The books you find on money have been tiresome, outright boring and you are looking for a good laugh.

How it changed my life

I am currently reading this again, this will be my 3rd time reading the book. Jen Sincero is one of my favourite authors. I love how she includes the subconscious mind when it comes to making money and the little exercises after each chapter. I have been able to challenge my limiting beliefs surrounding money, I now see money differently and have been able to make a lot of it from reading this book.

best self help books

16. The Magic of Thinking Big

You will like this if

You want to reprogram your mind for success. The money and success is already available to you, you just need to tap into it. To become more open minded so you can see the opportunities that are right in front of you.

How it changed my life

The part of the book that really stood out to me was the appearance/ dressing the part chapter. I grew up with the notion that looks shouldn’t matter, what’s in your heart should be what counts after all. I work from home and let me tell you it is very easy to put on pyjamas with a bonnet while working on your bed.

This book emphasises the need to not only dress the part because it sends a message of importance to others but to also to look the part as it sends a positive signal to your brain WHICH affects your mindset. You attract more opportunities both work and non work related simply by making an effort in your appearance.

best self improvement books of all time
audible self help book

Best Self Improvement Books of All Time

17. The Power of Self-Confidence

You will like this if

You want an audible self help book on how to be more confident. This book is recognised by Forbes to being one of the most influential book of all time.

How it changed my life

This is by far one of the best books for confidence I have ever read/listened to! I developed my confidence by re-defining my self concept, while making sure I stay true to my values. People hardly ever talk about the maintenance of self confidence. This book makes it clear that there are actions you take on a daily basis that could be subtracting or adding to your confidence.

best self help books

18. How to Win Friends & Influence People

You will like this if

You want to widen your circle of friends and connections.

How it changed my life

I learnt how to deal with people. It’s a great book if you want to work on your interpersonal skills and strengten your emotional intelligence when it comes with others. You will understand how humans behave, think and how to get them to be on your side.

top 5 influential self help books

19. Atomic Habits

You will like this if

You need help building new habits that will transform your life.

How it changed my life

I now go to the gym 5 times a week and have been consistent for over a year. I picked up other habits that came with exercising such as being productive, eating and sleeping better. Habits usually coexist with other habits so if you form good habits you are likely to make other good ones.

best self help books

Spirituality Self Help Books

20. The Power of Now

You will like this if

You want to be more present. if you are looking to put a stop to overthinking about the past and obsessing over the future then this book is for you.

How it changed my life

Although, I am still reading this book. I have noticed that by combining the reading of the book with a consistent daily practise of meditation, I am able to better regulate my moods and stay in a calm state. The things that used to bother me don’t disrupt my peace anymore.

spirituality self help books

21. The Four Agreements

You will like this if

You are in your spiritual awakening and you need some guidance. This book takes inspiration from spiritual beliefs to help you live a life of transformation, happiness and freedom.

How it changed my life

This audiobook brought even more awareness of the limiting beliefs that caused me pain throughout my life. I began to free myself of these subconscious programming to heal the relationship I had with myself.

spirituality self help books

These are the 21 best self help books on audible I have read in the past year. I would like to know if you have any audible self help books that have been particularly life-changing for you.

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