I am a big believer in the power of affirmations and that is why I am so excited to share with you these affirmations for confidence! In my recent post about the 50 Journal Prompts For Self Love I wrote about some self love habits that have completely turned my life around. One of the habits is addressing your limiting beliefs. To reprogram your limiting beliefs, you have to change the way you think and the easiest way to do that is with these 87 Powerful Affirmations For Confidence & Self esteem.
Can affirmations boost confidence?
The simple answer is yes. The longer answer is you have to be committed to repeating these affirmations everyday and say them with feeling and belief even when you don’t feel it yet. You know the affirmations are working when you wake up one day and your life is a manifestation of the words that you keep telling yourself. It works because I did this consistently and it’s crazy how real this is!!
You do have to maintain your confidence with the consistent practise of affirming yourself.
Use these affirmations when you feel
- Unworthy
- Need validation
- Unmotivated
- Insecure
How affirmations work for confidence?
One word.
Repeating mantras and affirmation can rewire and change the neuro pathways in your brain which is another way of saying that affirmations change the way you think. Yes it is that powerful, words have power people! If you speak encouraging words to a dying plant, it will grow. The same thing applies to you.
It’s amazing to think that just repeating affirmations can not only change the way you think, it can change your cells and genes too! Other studies even show how affirmations can improve cognitive function, healthy lifestyle choices like eating healthy and exercising.
But you must repeat it in an alpha state of mind (relaxed state) and there is an emphasis on emotions while you say it too.
When is the best time to do affirmations for confidence?
To get the most out of these affirmations, you will need to practise them when the subconscious mind is most active which is right when you wake up.
The subconscious mind is the one that really runs the show, that is why you can desire something different for your life and still sabotage yourself from getting it. WHY? Because the subconscious mind is often programmed to a false identity and is designed to keep you accustomed to your familiar story, whatever that is.
I wrote a blog post on How self sabotage can sneakily creep up in our lives
For more interesting facts about the subconconcious mind, I recommend this quick read here

87 Best Affirmations For Confidence & Self Esteem
- I love and accept myself
- I am full of self belief
- I have faith in myself
- I am proud of who I am
- I am that girl
- My validation comes from within
- I am a confident person
- I am in love with who I am becoming
- I am the best version of myself
- I have amazing qualities to offer
- I love and respect myself
- I am worthy of my needs being met
- I do enough
- I am enough
- I am magnetic
- I am attractive
- I am able to talk to anyone
- I choose myself always
- I am able to stand up for myself
- I can set boundaries
- I deserve to be happy
- I love the way I look
- I give out good vibes
- I take pride in my appearance
- I am a kind person
- I am a strong person
- I am doing the best I can
- I radiate confidence naturally
- I have so much love for myself
- I am becoming more confident each day
- I am successful in everything I do
- I deserve good things to happen to me
- I am beautiful
- I am in love with my life
- I have good people around me
- I am a good person
- I am gifted
- I am constantly evolving everyday
- I can achieve the goals I set for myself
- I have a positive impact on the world
- I am in control of my life
- I believe in my abilities
- I am taking actions towards my goals
- I am worthy of love and respect
- I am worthy of success
- I am worthy of kindness
- I am worthy of my deepest desires
- My life will be a reflection of how worthy of love I am
- I will find and focus on the things in life that validate my worthiness
- I have enough and my needs are worthy of being met
- I am the main character in my life
- I am proud of myself
- I do not need validation from others
- I am more than enough
- I have my dream body
- It is safe to be my authentic self
- I am capable of creating my dream life
- I have everything I need
- I am radiant and glowing everyday
- I am a happy person
- I make friends easily
- I am a lovable person
- I have a great personality
- I am aware of my worth and won’t settle
- I always do what I say I will do
- I am powerful
- I love my company
- I am limitless
- I am a badass
- I am happy
- I am perfect just the way I am
- I take good care of myself
- I am worth the effort I put in
- I am safe and secure in myself
- I am a priority in my life
- I am whole and complete
- I am capable of achieving anything
- I am fearless
- I invest my time and energy wisely
- My life is getting better everyday
- I attract blessings into my life
- I appreciate my body and all she does for me
- I appreciate my value as a person
- I release things that no longer serve me
- I am full of energy
- I am in love with who I am
- I am in control of my thoughts and actions
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