Are you constantly feeling drained, overwhelmed, and burned out?
If yes, you are likely channeling much of your masculine energy when you should settle into your feminine energy.
Follow along as I show you how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman.
I remember the first time my friend told me I acted like a guy, my initial reaction was defensive, I argued with her because there was no way she was right.
Or so I thought.
It’s not like I thought there was something wrong with men, I just didn’t like being told I acted like a man when I was clearly a woman.
But when our mutual friend agreed with her while airing my grievances, I decided a little introspection was in order.
This is what I learnt – I live in a patriarchal world where it seems like being in my masculine is the only way to survive.
We grew up being made to feel like there was something wrong with being a woman – especially when you can see that settling into your feminine energy meant being shut out of some rooms.
But here is the problem – when a woman operates too much in masculine energy, she may feel drained, disconnected, or struggle in her personal life and relationships.
This is because we are meant to live more in the energy that is natural to us – which, as a woman, is your feminine energy.
Now, I am not trying to tell you to completely do away with your masculine energy, as that would be practically impossible; we all have a good amount of masculine and feminine energy.
I am saying to lean more into the suitable energy for you.
Trust me, when I did – as I am sure you will come to learn once you follow the tips below – I started living a more wholesome life and even had a better relationship.
Having said that, let’s look at how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman.

1. Stop Living in Your Head and Start Feeling More
Masculine energy feeds on planning and overthinking everything; it doesn’t support much of doing things based on emotions or feelings.
For the masculine energy, if something doesn’t make logical sense, then it shouldn’t be done.
Not every good thing in life makes perfect sense – sometimes, there is beauty in chaos.
Plus, we are not the Terminator; what differentiates us from robots is our emotions and ability to feel.
Therefore, you should not be afraid to feel.
You don’t have to live in your head all the time like I used to.
Don’t be like me, who had to lose someone who would have likely been my soulmate because I was so in my head.
I didn’t let myself just enjoy how I was feeling and go with it. Eventually, I self-sabotaged.
Stop trying to rationalize everything, take a deep breath and feel.
Ask yourself often, “How does this situation make me feel?”.
Does it feel good? Does it make me happy? Does it put a smile on my face? If yes, it doesn’t have to make sense.
Trust me, the more you let yourself feel rather than think, the more you’ll embody your feminine essence.
2. Ditch the “I’ll Just Do It Myself” Mentality
Boy, do I used to relish doing this? It is only in retrospect that I see how much I was shortchanging myself when I should have been enjoying a little help.
When I started my blog, the guy I was speaking to then was so eager to help me with it because he was a website developer and digital marketer.
But I was so adamant about doing it myself, and I went through a long route that I could have avoided if I had just accepted help.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with being independent; you should be independent.
However, constantly feeling like you have to handle everything alone is exhausting.
Feminine energy willingly receives help.
I know it might be difficult for you if you live more in your masculine energy, but that’s why you are here, isn’t it?
You want to learn how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman.
Well, one way is to remember that it’s okay to let others help.
You can start small – delegate tasks to others and accept kindness without feeling guilty.
You don’t have to run solo all the time. Let go of the need to always be the one in control. Let go and allow yourself to enjoy an easier life.
3. Learn to Trust (Without the Need for Constant Control)
Segueing from the last sentence, letting go of your need for constant control is how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman.
Unlike masculine energy, feminine energy thrives on trust – trusting yourself and others.
I believe life likes to humble us anyway and will quickly show you that you cannot control all outcomes.
However, besides that, you are likely to feel drained easily because you are not in alignment with your natural energy.
You need to trust your intuition to guide you to the best things in life, even when it doesn’t make sense in your head.
Trust that things will work out, even if you don’t have a step-by-step plan.
Stop carrying the world on your shoulders, trying to micromanage everything.
My mum is a micromanager, so I will be first to tell you it is frustrating living with one.
I will say here what I often tell her, “You need to trust me to do the right thing and stop watching over my shoulder all the time, or you will exhaust me”.
I bet you don’t want to drive people away from you, so you need to trust them to do right by you and show up for you in their own way.
4. Express Your Needs Instead of Over-Giving
A particular lady commented on Twitter – now X – about how she once fell into the trap of thinking she was special by giving more than she received in her relationship.
Apart from dodging all her man’s attempts to give to her, she also nursed her needs in silence because she didn’t want to sound like the other women who asked men for things.
Can you see where I am going with this?
Many women have fallen into this same trap of over-giving, thinking it makes them more likeable.
They think it makes them different from the other girls.
The problem with that is that when you give and receive nothing back, you will soon become empty.
And when you keep pouring from an empty cup, you will become resentful.
Feminine energy is about balance; it receives just as much as it gives.
Absolutely, channel your nurturing side that loves to give love, but you must also practice expressing your needs.
And although I started explaining this point from a relationship standpoint, it doesn’t have to be only in romantic relationships.
At work, with your friends and with family, don’t be afraid to let people know that you require support because you deserve to be nurtured, too.

5. Stop Seeking Validation Through Productivity
We live in a world that glorifies being busy and hustling, so I get it.
I sometimes forget too, and tie my worth to how much I am doing and accomplishing.
I have also caught myself looking for things to do even when I have freer days so I don’t feel lazy or unproductive.
Raise your hands if you can relate to feeling guilty when you relax – I know many of us are raising our hands right now.
Imagine doing laundry that can wait or cleaning an already-clean house when you should be resting and enjoying a slow day.
The world is busy enough as it is that we hardly have time to take a breather.
So why should you be working just for the sake of working?
That’s not what being feminine is about.
The feminine energy isn’t about constantly doing something; sometimes, it’s about just being.
Rest, girl, please rest.
Doing feminine activities just because they bring you joy and simply enjoying life is just as valuable as checking things off your to-do list.
Permit yourself to slow down without guilt. Your value isn’t based on how productive you are but on who you are.
6. Shift from Forcing to Flowing
Masculine energy is all about structure and pushing forward, while feminine energy embraces ease and flow.
If you’re constantly trying to force things to happen, you are living more in your masculine energy.
So, if you want to learn how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman, start by letting life unfold instead of rigidly planning every detail.
Don’t fall into the temptation of forcing life to turn out exactly as planned. Sometimes, follow what feels good.
I know you might be struggling when things don’t make sense on paper, but remember that flowing doesn’t mean being passive.
You should still be actively involved in your life, but don’t go against the flow of life; work with it.
7. Connect with Your Sensu*lity (Beyond Just Se*uality)
When you hear connecting with your sensu*lity, you might be wondering what this has to do with how to reduce your masculine energy as a woman.
But it has a lot to do with it because feminine energy encourages experiencing life through your senses.
It supports indulging in little pleasures, slowing down and appreciating beauty.
For example, instead of exalting being tough, embrace your softness – wear soft fabrics, enjoy delicious food, and move your body in ways that feel good.
Dance when you feel like it, draw just because and inhale the lovely fresh air in the mornings.
Those are great ways to connect with your sensuality and embrace your feminine energy.
Don’t rush through life like you are on autopilot; take a moment to immerse yourself in the present and enjoy the beauty of life.
8. Allow Yourself to Not Be the Strong One
Trying to be strong every time is a signature masculine energy.
The feminine energy doesn’t feel the need to be strong all the time because, let’s be real, it is exhausting.
I know there is so much talk today about being a strong woman – social media is rife with it. So, a lot of women now bask in being called strong.
But really, why the need to lie to yourself when what you need is to be soft or spoilt by your man?
It does nothing for you besides giving you boasting rights on social media.
And how does that contribute to your life? It adds nothing.
So allow yourself the luxury of being vulnerable.
You don’t have to carry everything alone or always be the one holding things together.
It’s okay to be soft and lean on others. Strength also comes from receiving love and care.

9. Surround Yourself with Feminine Energy
Ever heard the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together?”.
As cliché as it may sound, it is true. The people you spend time with influence your life.
So, if you’re always around competitive, overly logical, or emotionally distant people, you will likely lean more into your masculine energy than you want to.
If you are a woman who wants to know how to reduce your masculine energy, then you need to actively seek out spaces that embrace femininity.
You need to be around women who won’t shame you for being soft or emotional.
Particularly, spend time with women who inspire you to embrace your nurturing side and celebrate being feminine.
If you want to learn how to reduce your masculine energy, you definitely don’t want to be around masculine women, pick me women or women who have internalised misogyny.
You know those girls who say things like, “I don’t have female friends because guys are better friends”? Yeah, avoid them.
10. Release the Fear of Being “Too Much”
Many women suppress their true selves because they’ve been told they’re “too much” – too emotional, too sensitive, too loud, and so many other “too”.
But your feminine energy is meant to be expansive, not repressive.
Stop dimming your light to make others comfortable.
Laugh loudly if you want to, take up space, wear what makes you feel good, and own your emotions unapologetically.
The feminine energy is beautiful and powerful – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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