These self care memes will add some laughter to your day!
Self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining our mental and physical well-being.
It is a way of showing ourselves some love and taking time out of our busy schedules to focus on our own needs.
However, self-care can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially if we are dealing with stress or anxiety.
That’s where self care memes come in – they provide a lighthearted way to remind us to take care of ourselves and have a good laugh in the process.
In this blog post, we have compiled 30 funny self-care memes that are oh so relatable.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy some much-needed humor as we navigate the ups and downs of self-care.
1. Who Said Money Doesn’t Happiness??

Yes because, life is too short to spend it unhappy and self hating.
2. The One Time You Choose Self care

But for’real why does this always happen? You finally decide to clean your room and then it turns into a full house spring cleaning.
3. Current Dilemma

And I can’t be the only one who’s contemplated this…someone needs to pay these bills ??
4. Self Care Is The Secret

I mean why am I not suprised, when you take care of yourself it makes you magnetic!
5. Self Care At The Slightest Inconvenience

Because at this point, I can’t come and kill myself because of work, I’m somebody’s child.
6. When You Finally Let Go Of People Pleasing

It’s cute when people think their opinions of you, actually matters. As if them not liking you, changes or disrupts your day.
7. It’s The Self Belief For Me

Such a good feeling when you believe in yourself and you actually exceed your expectations!
8. It’s Called Self Preservation, Honey!

As I get older I value my time and energy and I recognise that not everyone deserves access to me.
9. The Contradictions Of Being An Introvert

This. Is. The. Reason. Why. I. Like. Being. Alone.
10. Girl, Snap Out Of It

When you slip up for a sec and have to remind yourself that you are not the woman you used to be.
11. Excuses To Get Out Of Plans

Me secretly hoping they cancel first so I don’t have to be the bad guy ?. If you are good at coming up with excuses to get out of plans then kuddos to you!
12. Listennnn

It literally feels like the hardest thing to do and sometimes a bit boring might I add.
That’s why I came up a fun self care night time routine to get me in the mood.
13. Why Is It So Difficult To Rest?

But why does resting feel so hard to do? It literally takes no effort to rest!
Related: Why do I feel guilty when I relax?
13. Choose Your Therapist Wisely

Therapists are people too and sometimes they too need therapy.
14. Stressful Washdays

My wash day needs to line up with my plans otherwise I’m not going.
15. Sometimes You Just Don’t Want To Talk

Anyone else guilty of this? You would much rather chill in bed and not reply to anyone or take calls.
16. Am I Doing Self Care Wrong?

Am I not doing enough for you ??
17. Talk About Draining

Take it all in because this is the last time we will ever speak ?
18. Glow Up After The Break Up

Yes we love a self actualised girlie.
19. Plans anyone?

If I can get just my self care checklist done this weekend I would be deeply fulfilled.
20. Stop screaming at me ?

Like how else do you justify the spending if not self care?
21. Can We Normalise Staying In On The Weekend Please?

Me catching up on rest because adulting is hard, how do people do it with kids?
22. You’re Not Ugly, You’re Just Broke

Don’t believe me, just watch this video.
23. Why I Love Self Care Sundays

Literally the best feeling ever!
24. We’ll Try This Again Tomorrow

When you’ve spent the whole day procrastinating self care.
25. Friendship Goals ?♀️

Where to sign up to get friends like this please?
26. Self Care Makes A Bad Day Go Away

It’s okay to buy the dress, book the spa date if it will get you out of that funk! Also we need to start getting court compensated for emotional damage and wasted time!!
27. When You Ignore Your Intuition

When you ask “show me a sign” for the hundredth time and you still choose to ignore the red flags.
28. Healing Girl Summer

I’m in my healing girl era, and I’m choosing to stay fully committed to loving me.
29. If You Know You Know

Let me get my lashes, hair, nails and feet done and I feel like a brand new girl.
30. Protect Your Energy

I mean my hair’s grown out, skin is flawless, bank account fatter, all because I cut out toxicity from my life. Something about cutting toxic people out your life that makes you glow differently.
Hope you enjoyed reading these list of 30 funny self care memes, what did you relate most to? Let me know in the comments!!
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