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What you want is already with reach, the law of assumption only makes it possible for those desires to manifest.

First, you need to understand the desire that drives action.

Humans won’t act until the gain from their desire is strong, the intensity of the desire increases as the anticipated gain grows

As the intensity of the desire increases so does the feeling associated with that desire.

The feeling here is the prelude for the law of assumption to happen.

“What you feel you are will always dominates what you feel you will like to be, therefore to be realised the wish must be felt as a state that is rather than a state that is not” – Neville Goddard

To impress the subconscious with your desirable state, you must assume the feeling that would be yours if you had already realised your wish.

Read on to understand the inner workings of the law of assumption, find out how being delulu can be the solulu when you tap into your lucky girl syndrome.

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What is the law of assumption?

The law of assumption also meaning lucky girl syndrome and has inspired the Tiktok catchphrase “Delulu is the Solulu” is a concept was popularised by Neville Goddard, a mid-20th century spiritual teacher and author.

The idea of the law of assumption is that by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, one can manifest their dreams into reality. Neville Goddard covers this in his book Feeling is the secret.

Imagine the happy end of a play you are staring in. Though you were not shown how you got to the good part of the show. However, because you have seen the ending of your play, you remain secure, calm and in expectancy of a good ending despite any anti-climatic events that may be happening.

The law of assumption is exactly that.

law of assumption vs law of affirmation
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Law of assumption vs Law of attraction

The law of assumption is based on the idea that what you assume to be true will manifest in your reality. By living and feeling as though your wishes are already granted, you magnetise that desired reality to your current reality.

On the other hand, the law of attraction is of the notion that like attracts like. Your thoughts and feelings emit a certain vibrational frequency that attracts similar frequencies from the universe. This law uses positive thinking and affirmations to attract.

How does the Law of assumption work?

The law of assumption techniques for tapping into your lucky girl syndrome and being delulu are as follows:

  1. Change your self concept: The fundamental idea is that whatever you assume to be true will eventually manifest in your life. Your external reality is a direct reflection of your self concept.

2. Imagination and Feeling: Imagination plays a crucial role for the law of assumption to work. By vividly imagining a desired outcome and feeling as if it is already true, you set the wheels in motion for that reality to manifest.

3. Persistent Belief: It’s not just about a single act of assuming you have a new reality. Consistently holding onto the assumption of the happy ending as if it were already fulfilled is key. This persistence in your belief and assumption is necessary for the manifestation to occur.

4. Ignoring Present Circumstances: The law advises ignoring the current reality if it doesn’t align with your desires. Instead, focus on the desired state as if it is already true. Instead of focusing on the lack of what you want, you focus on being the person who already has what you want.

law of assumption

How do you start the law of assumption?

The Law of Assumption highlights the power of the subconscious mind. By repeatedly impressing your desired state onto your subconscious through imagination and feeling, you influence your subconscious to bring about the conditions necessary for the manifestation of your desires.

The subconscious mind is the feminine aspect of your mind that is more emotional and impersonal and accepts what you believe or feel as the truth.

The conscious mind is the more masculine part of your mind that is personal and understands facts and logic.

The conscious mind impresses while the subconscious, expresses in the outer world the exact likeness of that feeling. The subconscious never changes your accepted beliefs, it simply accepts and receives anything that is impressed upon it.

You can access the subconscious in a sleepy state.

Before you go to bed, never accept the consciousness of failure or go to bed either dissatisfied or hopeless. Everything you see in the 3d reality were at some point invisible, you call them into a visible states by assuming the feeling of their reality.

Invoke the feeling of that which you desire.

You only need to convince yourself of what you want to manifest. Once you truly believe in the reality of the desired state, the results will naturally follow, confirming your belief.

law of assumption success stories

What is an example of the law of assumption?

There are a ton of the Law of assumption success stories and examples, but for the sake of keeping it brief, here is an example of how Marilyn Monroe unwillingly used the Law of assumption to her own benefit.

I daydreamed chiefly about beauty. I dreamed of myself becoming so beautiful that people would turn to look at me when I passed.”

Marilyn’s abusive childhood led her to yearn to be truly loved, she associated beauty with love and admiration. Unbeknownst to her she would visualise herself with beauty and invoe the feeling of beauty with reassuring words of praise she completely made up.

I dreamed of myself walking proudly in beautiful clothes and being admired by everyone and overhearing words of praise. I made up the praises and repeated them aloud as if someone else were saying them.

Whether she was intentional or not, it did not matter, she practised the law of assumption and the results that followed came with beauty, fame and status.

law of assumption stories

How to manifest anything you want in the law of assumption?

Self-concept is the perception you have of self—your beliefs, thoughts, and how you feel about yourself. This deeply affects how well the law of assumption works for you.

For instance, a compliment can be perceived positively or dismissed based on your self-concept. Essentially, we make negative assumptions based on our negative self concept, leading to a cycle of negative self fulfilling prophecy.

Adopting a positive self-concept, even if it feels delusional at first, can transform your reality. Imagine believing you’re amazing, magnetic, and lovable. These subconscious beliefs will start to express themselves in your outer world.

Your feelings are extremely powerful they play an important role in the law of assumption.

If you feel that you are unlovable, you’ll always look for situations to confirm your feelings of un-lovableness. Changing your self-concept to one where you feel lovable will shift your focus to more positive relationships.

In summary, by understanding and reshaping your self-concept, you harness the law of assumption to manifest the reality you desire. You can learn more about your self concept by listening to this podcast episode.

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