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Although every woman should ideally know how to be more feminine in a relationship, societal conditioning and expectations have made a lot of women ashamed of their femininity.
Before I proceed, let me start by saying that there is nothing wrong with a woman being a woman, because honestly, what’s the alternative?
You are a woman for a reason and are meant to be unashamedly feminine.
However, back to the societal conditioning.
I mentioned earlier, women have been lied to that this means being weak, centering men, acting helpless and more emphatically, being less than a man.
Simply put, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
What Does it Mean to Be More Feminine?
Femininity is a lot of things, but it is not weak neither is it being less than a man.
Instead, it is gentle, strong, direct, humble, confident, aware, attentive, nurturing and independently dependent.
It is not weak and clueless, so being more feminine is nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, your feminine energy is what comes naturally to you as a woman, so embracing that and combining that with the man’s masculine energy is what makes a relationship thrive.
While you do have some masculine energy and can embody it and vice versa, most women feel happiest when they are connected to their feminine energy.

How Being More Feminine in a Relationship Strengthens It
If you are wondering how to be more feminine in a relationship, this book titled Never Chase Men Again, further cemented my resolve on how necessary it is for a woman to channel her feminine energy in a relationship.
The author provides insight into how this dynamic – where a woman is in her feminine energy and the man, his masculine energy – is what makes the difference between getting a devoted man and one who is passive.
If you are still in doubt, follow along as I show you how being more feminine will strengthen your relationship.
1. It Helps You Connect Emotionally
One way being more feminine strengthens a relationship is that it helps you connect with your partner on a deeper emotional level.
Romantic relationships need a healthy balance of feminine and masculine energy; a couple with an imbalance hardly works.
The reason is that men usually have no idea what to do with a woman who is exactly like them.
They need someone to step into her feminine nature for them to successfully step into their role as the protector and provider.
Plus, men are naturally drawn to warmth, softness, and vulnerability.
We already established warmth and softness are not weak traits. In fact, you need strength to be truly warm.
So, this does not mean that men are looking for a weak woman – at least that is not what a prince seeks; I can’t speak for frogs.
The men we are talking about here step into their potential as great partners when they are with a woman who trusts and values them.
When a woman can express her emotions openly without holding back, she gives her man permission to open up as well, which increases their intimacy.
I can assure you girls, instead of always trying to be in control, when you lean into your softer side, you’ll be surprised how much more fulfilling your relationship becomes.

2. It Brings Out Your Man’s Protective Side
Men have a natural instinct to protect the people they love.
I always say a good way to know a man loves you is how he naturally becomes a protector around you.
Men have an intrinsic need to be their woman’s hero.
It may sound funny, but it actually gives them life.
So, when you are not stepping into your feminine side, you rob him of that opportunity.
For that side of him to fully develop, you need to embrace your femininity.
Understand that this is not just about him, it is more about you letting a man treat you like a princess.
It is more about you sitting pretty, crossing your legs and letting him protect you.
For instance, this dynamic is what makes a man offer you his jacket when you’re cold, make sure you get home safely or stand up for you when needed.
Look at it this way: leaning into your feminine side makes him feel needed and it ensures you have a soft life; you really have nothing to lose.
It’s a win-win situation if you ask me.
3. It Reduces Power Struggles
I understand that relationships go through ups and downs and you sometimes fight with your partner.
But a loving relationship should be fun and not a show of constant power struggles, which is what happens when both of you are trying to be masculine.
When you embrace your feminine energy as a woman, you take unnecessary competition out of your relationship.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t express your opinion when necessary, you just need to let go of dominance.
Instead of fighting him for dominance, wield your influence harmoniously and softly.
Approach disagreements with grace and a desire to resolve them without unnecessary tension.
It Improves Your Communication
When a woman embodies masculine energy, she is likely to be combative, which can affect communication in the relationship.
Also, femininity encourages being open and vulnerable, which are necessary for effective communication in a relationship.
Men are often not as open as women, so when you are also not open, you won’t get anywhere when you are having discussions.
But when you are unapologetically feminine, you permit him to also open up.
A man is likely to open up when he is dealing with a woman who is not afraid to be vulnerable.
Your communication is likely to improve because you are both expressing your feelings and not giving room for misunderstandings.
Moreover, your man is likely to hear you when you address issues with warmth, listen attentively, and respond with kindness.
Now that you’ve seen how being feminine strengthens a relationship, let’s look at how to be more feminine and soft in a relationship.
Read More: How To Be More Feminine And Soft
How to Be More Feminine in a Relationship

1. Be Soft and Enjoy Being Pampered
I know I’ve mentioned this twice already, but it is worth repeating – femininity is not a weakness, so don’t be afraid to be soft.
Embrace your natural warmth, gentleness, and ability to receive love.
Trust me when I say a man who loves you wants to spoil you, please let him. Let him open the door for you, plan dates, pamper and take care of you.
I know you might feel like you are burdening him, but you are not; he enjoys it.
Men actually feel safer and more connected to women who lean into their softness.
You don’t have to prove how strong you are all the time; he knows you are, still, he wants to be the one taking care of you because it makes him feel needed.
Plus, sometimes, true strength is in letting go of control and letting yourself be loved and cherished.
So, girl, it is time to enter your soft girl era and allow yourself to be treated like the princess you are.
2. Let Him Lead
Some women cannot stand this concept of letting a man lead, and I understand because it can be abused by the wrong man.
However, if you want to learn how to be more feminine in a relationship with a man, you need to let go of the reins and allow your man to take the lead sometimes.
Letting go of the reins does not mean you have to be dependent on him for everything.
Codependency is also not healthy. What it means is to let him take charge and set the tone for the relationship.
It is easy to want to take over when you feel the relationship is not going at the pace you want, but that’s a recipe for disaster.
You will have to do the chasing, which you should never do as a woman or you will make your man passive.
Men naturally enjoy stepping up and leading, they are also natural chasers and hunters.
That is why letting them take the reins makes them feel trusted. It gives them a sense of purpose.
In fact, for a good man, it is a chance to show you that he won’t disappoint you and that he’s worth your time.
3. Give Room for Warmth and Appreciation
I also mentioned this earlier – men enjoy being their woman’s hero. They want you to see them as Superman.
And if you show you do, you will be surprised how it will make them want to do more for you.
Nothing fuels a man’s love more than feeling genuinely appreciated.
So, don’t withhold the “thank you”, “I appreciate you for being in my life”, “I love how you did that” or “this thing you do makes my life easier”.
Men live for things like this.

4. Be Open About Your Feelings
Women are naturally more willing to be vulnerable and are not afraid to express their feelings.
So, instead of bottling up your thoughts or expecting him to read your mind, be open and honest about how you feel.
If something makes you happy, express it. Let him know how much you love him and appreciate being in his life.
And if something bothers you, share it. Let him know when you don’t like something.
But it might be more effective to share it in a way that encourages communication and not combat.
Men appreciate direct communication, especially when you approach it with softness and vulnerability.
5. Don’t Overthink and Enjoy the Moment
As someone who tends to overthink, I will be the first to tell you that overthinking kills romance.
It makes everything feel like a task instead of an experience.
Trust me, it does nothing for your relationship.
So, instead of worrying about every little thing, let yourself relax and enjoy the moment.
Laugh at his jokes, be happy and even childish around him, and let a date night be fun without stressing about perfection.
Let go of the need to control every detail, and you will become naturally more enjoyable to be around.
Your man will enjoy your presence and want to keep spending time with you.
6. Show Yourself Some Love and Grace
What does this have to do with how to be more feminine in a relationship? You may ask.
Well, it couldn’t be more vital because feeling feminine starts with how you relate with yourself.
Society expects so much from women, and we sometimes internalize that need to be perfect.
But we are not perfect; nobody is.
So, if you are constantly putting yourself down because you can’t achieve perfection, it will be hard to show up fully in your relationship.
Yes, you should strive to be a better version of yourself; but show yourself some grace in the process.
Don’t be too hard on yourself on your way there.
Also, you need to show yourself some love by prioritizing your well-being.
If you feel adored, well-rested, and cared for, you will naturally gravitate towards your softer side.
So, take the time to nurture yourself and invest in your health. You’ll feel better and your relationship will thank you for it.
7. Be Playful and Flirty
Don’t be afraid to tease your man, send juicy texts that are sure to make you irresistible to him or surprise him with something cute to keep you on his mind.
Playfulness keeps a relationship exciting and will make you look more attractive to your man.
Stop being so serious all the time; flirt with him and bring out your fun side.
If you struggle with that, I recommend a book I found that changed my texting game, texts so good he can’t ignore.
Not only did it transform how I chat with men, but I have heard only good things from the friends I recommended it to.
Trust me when I say learning how to be playful, flirty, and goofy – in person or virtually – will make your relationship thrive.
Let me conclude by saying learning how to be more feminine in a relationship will only yield fruits when you are with a healthy masculine man, so make sure to choose wisely.
A feminine woman takes care of herself; part of that is making sure to only be with a man who is worth it.
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