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You ever just look at old pictures of yourself because you miss who you used to be and you want that girl back?

I’m not sure if you can relate but if you have ever asked this question ‘Why don’t I feel like myself?’ then keep reading. 

If you’ve asked yourself this question it usually comes with other self sabotaging habits such as doom scrolling on social media, binge eating, self hate, and social isolation, these are all symptoms of what’s really going on internally. 

Losing yourself can be one of the scariest things to ever happen particularly if you’ve worked so hard to pull yourself out of a dark place before.

Here are 11 Reasons why you’ve wondered “Why don’t I feel like myself anymore?”.

You Will Probably Love : 30 Day Self Care Challenge To Feel Like Yourself Again

why don't I feel like myself

1. **You Are Ignoring Your Inner Voice**

When you ask, “Why don’t I feel like myself?” one major factor might be that you’re ignoring your inner voice.

This inner voice represents your true desires and needs.

If you’ve been avoiding it, you might find yourself engaging in activities that don’t align with who you really are.

Perhaps you are ignoring your intuition and the red flags about a new person in your life or you are working at a job that doesn’t fulfil your needs. Reconnect back to your inner self by doing things that genuinely make you happy and listening to your own needs.

why don't I feel like myself

2. **You Stopped Doing the Things That Once Made You Happy**

A significant reason you might feel disconnected from self is that you have stopped engaging in activities that made you happy.

This is often a symptom of depression.

Start reintroducing these elements into your life, even in small ways, to help rekindle that sense of identity.

It could be a new fun hobby, a creative pursuit, or simply spending time with loved ones, these activities are crucial for maintaining a sense of self.

why don't I feel like myself

3. **You Are Hypercritical of Yourself**

Another reason you might wonder, “Why don’t I feel like myself?” could be due to you being overly critical of yourself.

Constantly judging and criticizing yourself can erode your self-esteem and make you feel disconnected from who you are.

Practice self-compassion and challenge negative thoughts by focusing on your achievements and positive attributes.

Also, stop comparing yourself to others. 

why don’t I feel like myself

4. **Major Life Changes**

Significant life changes—such as a new job, moving to a different city, or experiencing a loss or a breakup— can make you feel at odds with yourself.

When facing life transitions, it’s normal to feel uncertain or out of place. Acknowledge these feelings and give yourself time to adjust.

Maybe getting a therapist to help with current life changes can help to improve your mental health.

Maintain routines that provide comfort and seek support from friends and family. 

why don't I feel like myself anymore

5. **You Are in a Toxic Relationship or Relationships**

If you’re asking yourself, “Why don’t I feel like myself?” it might be because you’re in a toxic relationship.

Toxic relationships can drain your energy, worsen your health and impact your self-worth and confidence so much that you are left feeling and looking unrecognisable.

If your life has gone down a downward spiral since meeting this person, then it is best to cut your losses and let them go.

Evaluate the relationships in your life and consider walking away for good or seeking distance from those that negatively affect you. Surround yourself with only supportive, positive people who respect you and bring you peace. 

why don't I feel like myself anymore

6. **You Forgot Who You Are (Because You Let the World Program You)**

Feeling like you’ve lost touch with your true self can happen when you let external pressures and societal expectations dictate who you are.

Reconnect with your self by reflecting on your core values, passions, and beliefs. Make choices that align with your true identity, rather than conforming to what others expect of you.

If you don’t condition your mind, the world will condition for you.

You have to have a strong sense of self to not let people impose their beliefs and ideologies onto you. 

why don't I feel like myself anymore

7. **You Neglect Your Appearance**

And if you’re thinking to yourself “why don’t I feel like myself?” just remember that you can always get your hair done. 

A physical glow up is just as important for your confidence as is your mental glow up.

How you present yourself can affect how you feel internally as well as the type of opportunities that open up for you.

Invest in self-care practices that make you feel good about yourself, whether it’s grooming, dressing in a way that reflects your personality, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

why don't I feel like myself

8. **You Are Overly Focused on Making Others Happy**

Focusing too much on pleasing others can lead to neglecting your own needs and desires.

If you’re questioning, “Why don’t I feel like myself?” it might be because you’re not prioritizing your own happiness.

Read about the dangers of being a people pleaser and you will find that giving more to others will not guarantee you more love.

Get the courage to be disliked, step into your villain era and set some healthy boundaries! Remember, your well-being is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and a balanced life.

why don't I feel like myself

9. **You Are Not Living Authentically (Values)**

Living authentically is crucial for feeling like yourself.

If you are always wearing a mask in society just to fit in with others and the expectations they have for you, you may feel disconnected from your true self.

Reflect on what truly matters to you and make choices that align with your personal values and goals for your life so that you can start living for yourself and not others. 

why don't I feel like myself

10. **You Have Anxiety and Depression**

Mental health issues like anxiety and depression can significantly impact your sense of self.

These conditions can distort your self-image and make you feel disconnected.

Seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, can provide support and strategies that can help you cope better and manage these difficult emotions.

There are other cost effective solutions for anxiety and depression that are worth giving a try. 

why don't I feel like myself

11. **You Feel Disconnected from Self**

If you’re grappling with the question, “Why don’t I feel like myself?” it might stem from a general sense of dissociating from your body or depersonalization.

Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and journaling can help you connect with your emotions and thoughts more deeply.

Regular self-reflection , therapy coupled with solo activities that require you to spend time alone can guide you in rediscovering and reconnecting with your true self.

Understanding the underlying reasons behind the question why don’t I feel like yourself is the first step toward returning back to self. By addressing these issues, you can begin the journey of falling in love with yourself again and living a happier life. 

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