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If there is one thing I have learnt about being human, it’s that it’s not for the weak. 

Okay, that was probably a weak joke, lol. But I thought I’d throw in something to put a smile on your face – after all, we are talking about how to heal yourself. 

And just to give you a little tip – one of them is being able to find joy in the little things. 

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves – we will get there. As I said, life isn’t the easiest thing to go through, especially as an adult. 

One minute, things are bubbling; the next, life has thrown you a curveball that has the potential of tripping you off your feet. 

But here’s the thing – you are stronger than that and you can bounce back from that situation. 

You just need a little tip to help you get there – which is why you are here – and I’m not about to disappoint you. 

How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

If you are tired of scouring the internet for answers to feel better and all you can find are vague answers that don’t help, find here tips on how to heal yourself when no one can. 

This is your ultimate guide on how to self heal mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. 


how to heal yourself mentally

There’s a reason mental health is a common topic of discussion today – it directly impacts your overall well-being. If you want to take control of your mental health, here are some tips on how to heal yourself mentally.

Upgrade Your Mental Playlist

I know some people play sad music when they are unhappy to express their true feelings. 

However, when you are trying to feel better, playing a sad song on repeat is a disastrous decision. Forgive my harshness, but it needs to be said. 

You need upbeat music when you want to improve your mood, not music that will further put you in a funk. 

In the same vein, your thoughts are like a Spotify playlist. The thoughts you ruminate on all day shape your mood and mindsight. 

If your mind is stuck on regret, self-doubt, or fear, you will remain in that sad state. 

But we have already decided we no longer want sad girl hours, so it’s time to switch tracks.

You need to leave the self-doubt remixes and start playing self-love anthems. 

Upgrade your mental playlist with uplifting thoughts that make you feel good about yourself. 

Affirm yourself, tell yourself you are beautiful, loved and worth it. You can try some of these positive affirmations for women if you struggle to find the right words.

You should also be intentional about what you consume because what you hear often becomes what you believe. 

Feed your mind with uplifting books like this book on How to Heal Yourself I stumbled on recently, titled You Can Heal Yourself

You can also consume feel-good movies, empowering podcasts, or even music that makes you feel good. 

When you change your mental soundtrack, you will be surprised how your life will start to shift.

Detox From Overthinking 

Some years back, my friend was disqualified from the chance to go on a reality game show because he fought with someone on the final audition day. 

He was a top contender, so it was almost a given that he would have been selected. But a fight with another contestant who wanted to jump the queue disqualified both of them. 

A few years after the incident, he told me that situation taught him not to bother about anything that wouldn’t matter in five years. 

He said, “If I had just taken the time to ask myself if this thing would matter in 5 years, I wouldn’t be here.”

Now, of course, this post is completely different from my friend’s situation, but I think we can all learn a lesson from it. 

How many times have you bothered about situations that didn’t come to matter the next day?

I bet you’ll say a lot!

But you see, that’s even too big a leeway because you might be saying, “My problems matter the next day and the day after.”

So, let me just say this – if it won’t matter in five years, you shouldn’t spend more than five minutes stressing over it. Period! 

Overthinking drains your energy and keeps you stuck in a circle of “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios. 

And don’t we just know about the “what-ifs” and how useless they are in the grand scheme of things?

They do nothing for you in the long run. So why not invest in something that does?

Clear the mental clutter and set time limits for worrying. 

You can also journal your thoughts; trust me, it’s very therapeutic. 

Remind yourself that not every thought deserves your attention, and not every problem needs solving right this second. 

Give your brain a break from thinking through every problem. You’ll be surprised how much clarity you will get when your mind is at ease. 

Rewire Your Self-Talk 

If you don’t hype yourself, who will? 

Nobody can toot your horn like you can, so you cannot afford to let yourself down. 

Plus, you are the person you talk to the most, so the words you tell yourself matter. 

If your inner dialogue is full of criticism and doubt, you’ll start believing those lies. You need to retrace your steps and start hyping yourself like you’re your own PR team.

Healing starts with rewiring your self-talk – speak to yourself with kindness, encouragement, and grace. 

Replace “I’m not good enough” with “I am learning and growing”. 

Instead of “I always mess up,” say, “I am improving every day.” 

Your mind listens to what you repeatedly say, so why not make it something worth hearing? Feed it with the “I’m THAT girl” energy only.

Must Read: 27 Happy Thoughts For A Happy Life

Put Your Energy Where It’s Valued 

Another good tip on how to heal yourself mentally and emotionally is to stop over-explaining yourself to people committed to misunderstanding you.

Some people do not want to like you no matter what you do. If you keep pouring love, time, and effort into them, you’ll end up drained. 

You need to recognize where your energy is best spent to truly heal. If someone constantly makes you feel unappreciated or if a situation is sucking the joy out of you, step back from it. 

Adulting is realizing that not every person is your person and not every situation is for you. 

Take it from a girl who had to heal from people-pleasing, redirecting your energy towards people and activities that uplift you is a more judicious use of your time. 

Remember that you deserve to be valued, not tolerated. 

So, stop chasing what depletes you and start investing in what nourishes you.


how to heal yourself

If your emotions are in turmoil, they can take a toll on your overall health, so it’s important to take care of your emotional well-being. Here’s how to heal yourself emotionally.

Allow the Feels 

First things first, I love how this sounds – allow the feels, lol. 

But seriously, allow it. 

If you have seen The Fault in Our Stars, then you must have heard this beautiful quote by the author of the book it was based on – “pain demands to be felt.”

Besides the fact that I totally love the quote, it is true – you can only heal when you allow yourself to feel the pain. 

You don’t heal because you are pretending you’re okay; you need to permit yourself to feel. 

This is because suppressed emotions don’t disappear; they just find new ways to show up, and sometimes, they worsen when they do.

So, don’t avoid your feelings, sit with them. 

Cry if you need to, scream into a pillow, write it out; do whatever helps you process your emotions.

When you acknowledge your feelings, you will feel lighter and find the strength to move on faster.

Cut Off Emotional Vampires 

You know how fantasy books tell us vampires suck your blood and drain the life out of you, that’s the same way emotional vampires drain your peace.

Some people are better loved from a distance because they are not good for your peace of mind. 

Have you ever interacted with people who always leave you exhausted, anxious, or doubting yourself after every interaction with them?

Yes, those are emotional vampires – they suck life out of you, and you need to protect yourself from energy vampires

If you want to self heal, you must set boundaries with toxic people. 

People who always take from you but never give back are also in this category. 

Distance yourself from them and surround yourself only with people who bring light into your life. 

Practice the 24-Hour Rule

Like the friend I mentioned earlier who would have benefited from this advice, you need to know that not everything needs an instant reaction. 

When something upsets you, give yourself 24 hours to process. If it still bothers you, respond. If not, let it go.

Practising this prevents you from acting out of emotion and making decisions you might regret. 

It allows you to cool down, see the situation clearly, and respond with wisdom instead of impulse. 

When self healing is a priority, you will be more conscious about controlling your reactions. You will realize that not everything deserves your energy.

Forgive for Your Peace 

People will often ask, “How do you heal yourself?” but then you will find that they hold grudges and are always bitter. 

Well, it is impossible to heal when you are plagued by resentment. 

I get it – they hurt you badly and you want to hurt them too. I’m not judging, it is a completely natural human emotion. 

But the issue is that holding on to the hurt is not hurting them; rather, it keeps you in bondage. If you want to be free, you need to forgive. 

I know this might be hard to believe, but forgiveness is for you, not them. It is also not about excusing what happened, but about freeing yourself from the weight of it. 

Instead of holding onto the resentment, release it and keep the lesson. You don’t have to forget, but you do have to let go for your own sanity. 

You need to forgive, not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace. 


how to heal yourself spiritually

Now, don’t let your mind go on an overdrive about what it means to heal yourself spiritually. When in doubt, keep reading; I will show you how to tap into your higher self to self heal.

Tap Into Your Higher Self 

Your higher self is the version of you that already knows your worth and makes choices that align with your growth. 

That version of you is the best version of you to make the right decisions for you. This is because this is the part of you that won’t give in to fear, insecurity, or trauma. 

So, before reacting to something, ask yourself, “What would the best version of me do?” 

Will it settle for pettiness when it can choose peace? I bet not!

Will it choose self-care over self-sabotage? Yes, it will!

Then you should operate with that mindset. 

Move in Silence 

I wish we could all go back to the times before social media where we could do things without feeling the need to announce it to the world. 

Now, everybody is almost pressured to live loud even when it is not good for their mental health. 

However, if you want to learn how to heal yourself spiritually, you need to start by protecting your manifestations

Not everyone needs to know your next move and not everything needs to be announced. Sometimes, your healing, goals, and personal growth are best kept private. 

The more you share, the more you invite opinions, doubts, and even negativity that can dampen and discourage you. 

Learn to work in silence and let your results speak for you. 

Disconnect to Reconnect 

Recently, I did a digital detox for a month – yes, I stayed away from the constant scrolling and shut off all notifications. 

And let me tell you, there is so much joy in sitting in silence and reconnecting with nature. 

I will admit I missed social media at the beginning, but after a week, I realized that there are more fulfilling things than endless scrolling. 

For instance, you need to try walking barefoot on the grass, meditating, journaling or simply being present.

I promise that you will thank me when you find that you’ve gained more clarity and understanding of yourself through that.

Live in Flow, Not Force

Life is meant to be lived, not forced. If you keep forcing everything, you will only be frustrated. 

Of course, I am not saying be passive. But if something is not aligning, leave it; the universe will redirect you when it’s time.

The best things come when you’re in alignment, not in resistance. So trust the process and let life unfold naturally. 


how to self heal

Your body deserves some love; it does so much for you. It’s time to treat it with some much-needed care. 

Fuel Your Body Like a Luxury Car 

If you had a Lamborghini, I bet you wouldn’t fill it with cheap gas. So why are you treating your body like it’s not more important than a Lambo?

You need to treat your body well, so it can also treat you well. 

That means you should hydrate – you may roll your eyes at this but still do it. It plays an essential role in many of our body functions. 

If you find drinking water boring like I sometimes do, include fruits like lemons or cucumber to give it a bit of taste. 

Make sure to also eat whole foods, and take your vitamins.

Movement = Medicine

We live in a world that encourages a sedentary lifestyle – most of us work on our seats and that prevents us from moving around often. 

So, we need to be intentional about moving. Set time to take strolls, pace, or do a workout routine that feels good so it’s sustainable. 

You can try pilates, going on cute hot girl walks in cute athleisure or learning a new tiktok dance. 

Sleep Is Your Superpower 

I’m sure you’ve heard things like, you can’t be sleeping for more than 4 hours if you are serious with your life. 

At the risk of sounding harsh, I just want to say it is hogwash!

Not only is it untrue, it is not healthy. 

Stop glorifying busyness for the sake of being busy and fix your sleep schedule. 

Make sure you get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep most days; your future self will thank you. 

Glowing Skin Starts From Within 

You are what you eat – if you consume the right things, it will reflect on your skin. 

So, drink water, get the required Vitamin D from the sun, and mind your business. 

It is the ultimate glow up routine.

Also Read: How To Glow Up In A Week

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Tired of feeling stuck, unsure how to tap into your feminine power? This book is your guide to effortless attraction, confidence, and success.

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